2010 Gubernatorial Primary
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Official 2010 Gubernatorial Primary Election results for House of Delegates

NR: not reported

House of Delegates

Legislative District 18

Democratic (Vote for No More Than Three) Details
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NamePartyEarly Voting Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Vanessa Atterbeary
Democratic 286 3,699 262 4,247 13.0%
Dana Beyer
Democratic 377 4,688 385 5,450 16.7%
Al Carr Winner Selected    
Democratic 320 6,036 400 6,756 20.7%
Ana Sol Gutierrez Winner Selected    
Democratic 454 6,949 476 7,879 24.1%
Michael K. Heney
Democratic 48 820 64 932 2.9%
Jeff Waldstreicher Winner Selected    
Democratic 392 6,561 433 7,386 22.6%