2016 Candidate Listing
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2016 Presidential Primary Election State Candidates List

Last updated: 04/26/2016 04:00:40 PM

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Representative in Congress
Congressional District 07
Bly, Ray

Jurisdiction Howard County
Status Active -
Filed Federal - 01/21/2016

Email raybly@verizon.net
Website raybly.com
Facebook facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006636978715
Twitter @raybly
Other raybly

Contact Information
8087 Washington Boulevard
JESSUP, MD 20794-
(410) 799-5541
Newton, William T.

Jurisdiction Baltimore County
Status Active -
Filed Federal - 01/19/2016

Email newton@newton4congress.com
Website http://www.newton4congress.com/
Facebook facebook.com/newton4congress
Twitter @americarising76

Contact Information
P.O. Box 896
(410) 429-5115
Vaughn, Corrogan R.

Jurisdiction Baltimore City
Status Active -
Filed Federal - 04/07/2015

Email corrogan1@gmail.com
Website vaughn4congress.com
Facebook facebook.com/corroganr.vaughn
Twitter @vaughncongress

Contact Information
P.O. Box 11845
Cummings, Elijah

Jurisdiction Baltimore City
Status Active -
Filed Federal - 02/02/2016

Email ecummings0@cs.com
Website www.cummingsforcongress.com
Facebook facebook.com/elijahcummings
Twitter @repcummings

Contact Information
2014 Madison Avenue
(443) 286-6602
Petrus, Adrian

Jurisdiction Prince George's County
Status Active -
Filed Federal - 01/28/2016

Email asvip_2000@yahoo.com

Contact Information
4509 38th Place
(240) 417-5248
Kersey, Andre Odell (General Election Only)

Jurisdiction Baltimore County
Status Provisional -
Filed Petition - 02/03/2016

Email mr.andrekersey@gmail.com
Facebook facebook.com/andrekersey
Twitter @andrekersey

Contact Information
(410) 831-2730
Soffen, Scott (Nominated by Party but appearing in General Election Only)

Jurisdiction Howard County
Status Seeking the Nomination -
Filed Party Designated - 01/14/2016

Email scott.soffen@whyvotelibertarian.com
Website www.whyvotelibertarian.com

Contact Information
5310 Honey Court
(443) 722-3460
Hoenig, Myles B. (Nominated by Party but appearing in General Election Only)

Jurisdiction Baltimore City
Status Seeking the Nomination -
Filed Party Designated - 01/22/2016

Email mylesh302@gmail.com
Website hoenig2016.com
Facebook facebook.com/myleshoenigforuscongress

Contact Information
2508 Hamilton Ave

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